Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hi I'm Sara...

I had to be out the door by 6:20 this morning. I had planned on waking up and making a yummy veggie and egg scramble but after my stomach problems, lack of sleep and still having a headache this morning I didn't feel like it. I instead grabbed a hard boiled egg and a little container filled with raw almonds. I had a cup of hot water & lemon while I got ready.
My stomach and head both still were treating me poorly and I thought I was going to fall asleep during class. I went and got a cup of herbal green tea and drank lots of water. After class I ate some almonds and went to Trader Joe's to get groceries.

the goods.

When I got home I was pretty hungry and already knew I was going to make something involving egg whites. I threw spinach, sugar plum tomatoes and red onion in a pan. I had a moment where I thought I shouldn't be eating 'sugar plum' tomatoes because there was sugar in the name. I added chopped basil at the end and fresh spinach. I also cooked three egg whites. 

chomp chomp.

I really didn't know what I was going to eat for dinner and my head was still hurting. I started to get hungry and cranky. I wanted something 'good.' I didn't know what that even meant. I was going to have some brown rice but then got upset when I realized how long it would take to cook. I also had to feed my husband. So I cooked him a burger and toasted a bun I had purchased earlier at Trader Joe's. I don't (usually) eat white bread so I specifically bought plain white buns and plain bagels for him. But oh the smell. I wanted to rip right into a bun and eat it by itself as soon as I opened the bag. Something took over me and I started looking for something to eat right away. I looked in the fridge and was ready to start eating salami even though I don't eat red meat. I was hungry and cranky and wanted to eat bad. I was trying to plea with myself that if I ate good I could have some stevia nuts after dinner. Then it happened. I relapsed. I saw cookies I had sent out of the house with my husband right there in front of me and the sugar won. I ate three. I felt sad. I felt weak. Sugar is more powerful then I like to give it credit. I am addicted to sugar. You won this time sugar but next time I will hopefully kick your butt! 

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