Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hi I'm Sara...

I had to be out the door by 6:20 this morning. I had planned on waking up and making a yummy veggie and egg scramble but after my stomach problems, lack of sleep and still having a headache this morning I didn't feel like it. I instead grabbed a hard boiled egg and a little container filled with raw almonds. I had a cup of hot water & lemon while I got ready.
My stomach and head both still were treating me poorly and I thought I was going to fall asleep during class. I went and got a cup of herbal green tea and drank lots of water. After class I ate some almonds and went to Trader Joe's to get groceries.

the goods.

When I got home I was pretty hungry and already knew I was going to make something involving egg whites. I threw spinach, sugar plum tomatoes and red onion in a pan. I had a moment where I thought I shouldn't be eating 'sugar plum' tomatoes because there was sugar in the name. I added chopped basil at the end and fresh spinach. I also cooked three egg whites. 

chomp chomp.

I really didn't know what I was going to eat for dinner and my head was still hurting. I started to get hungry and cranky. I wanted something 'good.' I didn't know what that even meant. I was going to have some brown rice but then got upset when I realized how long it would take to cook. I also had to feed my husband. So I cooked him a burger and toasted a bun I had purchased earlier at Trader Joe's. I don't (usually) eat white bread so I specifically bought plain white buns and plain bagels for him. But oh the smell. I wanted to rip right into a bun and eat it by itself as soon as I opened the bag. Something took over me and I started looking for something to eat right away. I looked in the fridge and was ready to start eating salami even though I don't eat red meat. I was hungry and cranky and wanted to eat bad. I was trying to plea with myself that if I ate good I could have some stevia nuts after dinner. Then it happened. I relapsed. I saw cookies I had sent out of the house with my husband right there in front of me and the sugar won. I ate three. I felt sad. I felt weak. Sugar is more powerful then I like to give it credit. I am addicted to sugar. You won this time sugar but next time I will hopefully kick your butt! 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Eating Veggies like it's my job

Yesterday was my 1st day following the Anti Candida diet and things went smoothly. Well food wise things went smoothly.

For breakfast I had steamed broccoli and sun-dried tomato & jalapeno raw garlic dip. It was yummy. I picked up the dip at the Farmer's Market on Saturday knowing it would come in handy. I already told my husband we will be going back this Saturday to pick up some other flavors. I'm sure I'll need more fresh veggies by then too. I didn't finish all the broccoli at breakfast so when I was hungry a little later I finished it with an egg cooked over easy. That was really good. With the garlic dip it tasted almost like Thai food. 

For dinner I had a salad with steamed asparagus, a turkey burger and a hard boiled egg white. The salad was topped with this amazing dressing my sister-n-law Domina taught me how to make. It's so simple but it tastes so delicious.

Domina Dressing
1 avocado
handful of chopped cilantro
1-2 green onions, chopped
juice of half of lime
olive oil
Smash the avocado in the salad bowl and add cilantro and onions. Squeeze lime juice into bowl and mix. Toss with greens and add olive oil to the greens. You can really do this in any order. 

I was feeling really snacky shortly after dinner and of course I wanted anything sweet but that wasn't going to happen. I just kept thinking about how awesome it's going to be to add fruit back to the diet. I settled for a handful of raw almonds. 

I ended up with a terrible headache at bedtime that made it hard to sleep. Then I was about to fall asleep my stomach started doing cheetah flips. They sound like a good time but it was not. After almost resorting to crying myself to sleep I somehow dosed odd a little after 1am. I had to be up at 5am today so I was hurting for sure. 'Til next time...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Goodbye sugar, it's been lovely

So here I am drinking a yummy homemade margarita with a ton of sugar & alcohol for the last time hopefully for an extremely long time. Tomorrow I will be cutting sugar out of my diet actually not just sugar. I have decided to start following the Candida diet. Yes it's true I have to much yeast in my body and I am going to do something about it. So I am now cutting out sugar & yeast from my diet. Me & veggies are about to become BFFs.
So tomorrow morning I'm starting my day with hot water & lemon then I'm moving on to steamed vegetables. Followed by veggies and finishing the day off with veggies. Let the good times roll.